- I sold my Nintendo Wii, since I never played it.
- I upgraded my computer to a Intell Quad-Core Q6600 @2.4ghz. I ended up with the G0 revision, so I can overclock to 3.2ghz
- I got an nVidia GeForce 8800GT
- I ended up spending about $1600 on this new computer, which I built myself.
- My Credit Card company is more worried about the payment coming from a source I’m authorized to pay from, rather than my card being stolen. (I made a bunch of micro-transactions in one day, and they locked the account. For security reasons. But not because they think the card was stolen, but because they think *I* stole the card I pay on it from. How nice.)
- Apt. 5 still annoys the hell out of me.
- I bought a 1500va UPS from my Web Host, and now I have a proper electrical ground, since it is using the Cable Coax ground.
- Still waiting for Final Fantasy XIII. And Crisis Core, and Persona 3 FES.
- I didn’t get another camcorder (and the guy who bought mine still owes me $40), but I got a new digital camera, which has auto-focus thankfully. However it’s slightly more picky about being perfectly still when taking a picture, ugh.
- I have a single on sale at Amazon.com. iTunes, Napster, and Real Rhapsody soon to follow.
Thats all for now. See you next quarter. ^.^
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