
Friday, October 30, 2009

Beware of Binverse

So I was looking for a usenet provider, and stumbled upon Binverse. I was going to sign up for the trial, but it asked for a credit card, like most, so I stopped. Randomly, a day or so later, out of desperation, they sent me an email giving me a login with 1gb of download on it and 14 days.
So I decided to try to log in. Firstly, they make you download their client software. That is, if you didn’t know to append to your username when you connect to their server. They don’t tell you this because they want you to download their crap.
So I did, and I did a random search, found a 45 day old file, worth 2k, and clicked download. The transfer failed, and they removed 1MB from my transfer limit. But that is not the worse part. Upon inspecting the packet log, I found they aren’t even a provider at all. In fact, they want to charge me for a bandwidth cap on CHARTER’s server! Say what? Seriously? I can do that for FREE. Thanks, but no thanks, Binverse.
200 Welcome to Charter NNTP Service (newsfe06.iad) (Tornado v1.2.7.560-2)
AUTHINFO USER bnv-t********
381 More Authentication Required
281 Welcome to
ARTICLE <005f309f$0$14117$>
430 No Such Article
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430 No Such Article
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430 No Such Article
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430 No Such Article
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430 No Such Article
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430 No Such Article
205 GoodBye

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